The Importance of Acknowledging Black History Month and Black Business Month!

In Cultural Humility, Mindset of the Oppressed, Minority Entrepreneurs, Women + Minority Entrepreneurs by cs

A Reflection on csBailey’s TikTok Experience

In the age of social media, discussions about cultural events, movements, and history have become more accessible than ever. Recently, there was a conversation on TikTok where user Nocrala15 questioned the importance of having both Black History Month and Black Business Month. In this blog post, we will explore my response to this question and delve deeper into why these events are essential in today’s world.

This was my response:


Thank you for your comment. I understand that you may be questioning the significance of having both Black History Month and Black Business Month. Allow me to share some insights on their importance based on research done and teachings on cultural humility, creating inclusive environments, and being systemic change agents in navigating power imbalances.

Black History Month aims to honor the achievements, history, and culture of African Americans. It helps raise awareness about the struggles and achievements that have been crucial in shaping our society. In a world with existing racial disparities, it is important to acknowledge and uplift the contributions of marginalized communities.

Black Business Month, on the other hand, focuses on shining a light on Black-owned businesses’ accomplishments and their importance in empowering the African American community economically. Supporting these businesses contributes to closing the wealth gap, promotes diversity in entrepreneurship, and helps drive systemic change by creating more inclusive environments.

While it is understandable that dedicating months to specific racial or cultural groups may seem like it’s divisive or unfair to others, it’s essential to recognize that historically underrepresented groups continue to face unique challenges that merit attention and support. As systemic change agents navigating power imbalances, we must work together to ensure all voices are acknowledged and celebrated.

Both Black History Month and Black Business Month provide valuable opportunities for education, dialogue, and reflection—essential components of fostering cultural humility and inclusive environments for everyone.

Light + Love, csBailey

So why are these events important:

The Significance of Black History Month

Black History Month is observed annually in February to celebrate the accomplishments and milestones of African Americans. It aims to educate people about their achievements in various fields such as literature, science, politics, sports, and more. By honoring their legacy, it highlights the significance of understanding the contributions that African Americans have made throughout history, paving the way for a more inclusive society.

The Importance of Black Business Month

Held annually in August, Black Business Month focuses on shining a light on the achievements of black-owned businesses. These businesses play a crucial role in strengthening and empowering African American communities economically through job creation and wealth-building opportunities. By promoting diversity within the business sector and understanding the unique challenges faced by minority-owned companies, we can work together to drive systemic change that enables underrepresented voices to make their mark.

Creating Inclusive Environments

Systemic racism has caused power imbalances within our society, which underscores the necessity for recognizing historically marginalized groups. To create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive irrespective of their race or background, we must be open to acknowledging differences while simultaneously celebrating our shared humanity.

Both Black History Month and Black Business Month serve as powerful instruments for promoting dialogue among different racial groups. They encourage reflection on what it means to contribute positively to our world without letting discrimination color our perspectives.

We must recognize the significance of events such as Black History Month and Black Business Month. These observances aim to foster cultural humility and understanding while acknowledging that our world is richer thanks to diversity. By emphasizing the importance of learning from varied perspectives and engaging in honest conversations, we can be agents of change within our communities and ultimately pave the way for a MORE INCLUSIVE FUTURE.